Hammond, Potthoff receive Carver Chair, Professorship

Two Iowa Neuroscience Institute members have received named chairs and professorships.

Donna Hammond, PhD, professor of anesthesia and of neuroscience and pharmacology, is the Roy J. Carver Chair in the Iowa Neuroscience Institute, and Matthew Potthoff, PhD, associate professor of neuroscience and pharmacology, received the Roy J. Carver Endowed Professorship in Neuroscience and Pharmacology.

The recognition honors their outstanding academic achievements and contributions to the Carver College of Medicine and Iowa Neuroscience Institute.

Donna Hammond

Hammond studies the neurobiology of the central and peripheral nervous system pathways that convey pain. Her lab is currently focused on understanding the mechanisms that contribute to the sensory consequences of chemotherapy, such as numbness, tingling, and shock- or burning-like pain, that patients experience both during and after chemotherapy. Hammond’s extensive publication and citation record reflect both the high quality of her scholarship and the recognition of her peers. She is vice chair for research in the Department of Anesthesia and a member of the Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center.  In 2020 she earned a UI Diversity Catalyst Award for her efforts to promote an inclusive campus community.

Matthew Potthoff, PhD

Potthoff's research explores how peripheral hormonal cues signal to the brain to control body weight and blood glucose levels. Potthoff's research has been published in top-ranked journals and his work has been internationally recognized for its impact on our understanding of the endocrine control of metabolism.  Potthoff is also a member of the Pappajohn Biomedical Institute and Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center, and serves as the Director of the Molecular Medicine Graduate Program.     


Carver Chairs and Professorships are endowed by the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust, whose transformational $45 million grant to the University of Iowa created the Iowa Neuroscience Institute in 2017.  

Tuesday, December 22, 2020