Global Health Distinction Track

Purpose of the Global Health Distinction Track:

To support and guide medical students in developing expertise in global health issues with the goal of subsequent career engagement in global health activities involving service, policy making, research, and/or teaching. This track focuses on the following medical education program core competency and medical education program objective (SBP01):

System Based Practice (SBP). Develop a system-based practice approach to patient care as manifested by actions that demonstrate an awareness of, and responsiveness to, the larger context of health care. This includes developing skills to effectively call on system resources to provide optimal health.

  • SBP01 Understand factors that affect access to and delivery of healthcare and the patient-doctor relationship including cultural, environmental, socioeconomic, policies, financing and healthcare systems.

Global Health Distinction Track Learning Objectives:

  • Compare and contrast the health care environment within different cultural contexts
  • Prioritize healthcare concerns in relation to the cultural context
  • Participate in the development and implementation of strategies to address individual and community by collaborating in global health projects


Successful completion of the Global Health Distinction Track includes:

  • Satisfactory completion of two on-campus Global Health Programs courses (MED:8081 and MED:8082) which provide a foundation in global health concepts.
  • Community-based involvement in approved Global Health Programs electives and clerkships for a minimum of twelve weeks within the four years of medical school. Involvement must be as a registered Global Health Programs course.
  • Completion of a global health emphasis project. The project will include:
    • submission of a proposal identifying a health care need in a region;
    • participation in research or service delivery in the field;
    • identification of a College of Medicine faculty member to guide and monitor progress;
    • submission of a final report on activity.
  • Presentation of related work at a professional conference or in a pre-approved UI Carver College of Medicine setting such as the Global Health Programs Seminar or University of Iowa Health Care Department grand rounds.
  • Submission of information in completion of all requirements.

If you would like to discuss the fit of the Global Health Distinction Track to your plans, please contact:
Director, Global Health Programs
1187A MERF
(319) 353-5762

Recipients and Final Projects 2012-2024