Our students aren’t passive learners. At Iowa, you’ll go inside the lab and contribute to world-renowned research working alongside faculty experts to explore the diverse realms of this department.


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# 2

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Carver College of Medicine Events

Women In Micro & Immuno Coffee Hour

Monday, January 13, 11:00am to Monday, December 8, 2025 12:00pm
Carver Biomedical Research Building
Join us for the Women in Micro & Immuno Coffee Hour. It is the monthly coffee hour on the second Monday of the month from 11 a.m. to noon in 1289 CBRB. Enjoy coffee, pastries and contribute to the discussion! This is open to ALL — students, staff, postdocs, and faculty interested in promoting women in science. Speakers change monthly. Contact: jessica-tucker@uiowa.edu for details.

Skills for Educators Workshop: Medical Improv

Friday, March 7, 2025 8:30am to 11:30am
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
This highly interactive (and fun!) workshop will focus on Medical Improv which is the adaptation of improvisational theatre principles and exercises to health professions educational activities.  It has been used to enable providers to connect with patients more easily and deeply, help teams work more collaboratively and cohesively, and give educators confidence to respond creatively to a wide variety of student needs. Objectives: Describe the principles, tools, skills, and mindsets of...

Iowa Neuroscience Institute Seminar: Matthew Leonard, PhD

Friday, March 7, 2025 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Carver Biomedical Research Building
"Speech and language computation in the human superior temporal gyrus" Matthew Leonard, PhD Associate Professor Department of Neurological Surgery Weill Institute for Neurosciences University of California, San Francisco

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Reach out to us and we'd be happy to assist