Meet Gabe Decker, RT(R) | Radiation Sciences Programs

Meet Gabe Decker, RT(R)

Meet Gabe Decker, RT(R) Gabe Decker, portrait

Tell us about your background: I grew up in Corning, IA and went to Indian Hills CC for my radiology education. I got my job here at UIHC shortly after graduation and have been here just over 15 years. Go RADHawks!

Why did you pick RT as your career field: Growing up, I had many x-rays taken of me due to sports injuries and wild adventures. I was always curious to know how it worked.

What's your favorite exam? My favorite exam would be any exam that challenges me or leaves me feeling the feels.

Advice for anyone interested in the RT career field: My advice for anyone interested in Radiology would be to pursue it. Set up job shadows for as many places as you can, big and small hospitals/clinics. Get an idea of what modality of Radiology suits you. Once you're in a program, take every opportunity to learn something.

Monday, November 7, 2022