Hannah Miller

Graduate Student
Address: 4-411A BSB
Phone: (319) 335-7662
Email: hannah-miller@uiowa.edu

Mentor: Kris DeMali, PhD

Undergraduate Institution: University of Iowa

Year Entered Into Program: 2015


  • Biochemistry Fast Track PhD Program

Research Description


Smith-Gehring Fellowship

IDT Travel Fellowship


Bays, JL, Campbell, HK, Heidema, C, Sebbagh, M, DeMali, KA, Linking E-cadherin mechanotransduction to cell metabolism through force-mediated activation of AMPK, Nature Cell Biology, 2017.

Campbell, HK, Maiers, JL, DeMali, KA, Interplay between tight junctions & adherens junctions, Experimental Cell Research, 2017.