Past Seminars 2016

Date Location Time Visitor Title Host
Jan. 25 2117 MERF 10:30 AM Dr. Daniel Minor, University of California San Francisco Ion channels that break and buckle in response to temperature and pressure Dr. Todd Washington
Jan. 28 2117 MERF 10:30 AM Dr. Amy Keating, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Protein-peptide interactions that control apoptosis-Our adventures in Bh3 space Dr. Ernesto Fuentes
Feb. 2 2117 MERF 10:30 AM Dr. Brian Volkman, Medical College of Wisconsin Structural basis for chemokine-receptor recognition and inhibition Dr. Todd Washington
Feb. 4 2117 MERF 10:30 AM Dr. Haian Fu, Emory University Interrogating protein-protein interactions in cancer Dr. Meng Wu (Co-sponsored by HCCC and MNPC)
Feb. 25 2117 MERF 10:30 AM Dr. Frank Fan, Promega Corporation, Madison Real time, live cell analysis using bioluminescence technologies Dr. Meng Wu (Co-sponsored by CBB and MNPC)
Mar. 24 2117 MERF 10:30 AM Dr. Bernard Weissman, University of North Carolina De-BAFling the role of SWI/SNF complex loss in human tumor development Dr. Kris DeMali
Mar. 31 2117 MERF 10:30 AM Dr. Janet Partridge, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Dissecting chromatin function in fission yeast-from heterochromatin to disease pathogenesis Dr. Lori Wallrath
Apr. 7 2117 MERF 10:30 AM Dr. Jeff Sekelsky, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill How Bloom syndrome helicase both prevents and promotes recombination Dr. Pam Geyer
Apr. 20 2117 MERF 10:00 AM Zhen Xu, Biochemistry, Thesis Defense Seminar Autoinhibition of guanine nucleotide exchage factor TIAM1 Dr. Ernesto Fuentes
Apr. 26 5-669 BSB 2:00 PM Lata Symposium 12th Annual Gene F. Lata Biochemistry Undergraduate Honors Symposium Department of Biochemistry
Apr. 28 2117 MERF 10:30 AM Dr. Andrew B. Herr, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Biophysics of bugs: Molecular insights into intercellular adhesion in Staphylococcal biofilms Dr. Ernesto Fuentes
May 3 1117 MERF 9:00 AM Elizabeth Boehm, Biochemistry, Thesis Defense Seminar The regulation of translesion synthesis through the binding and activation of polymerases by PCNA Mentor: Dr. Todd Washington
Sept. 1 2117 MERF 10:30 AM Kent Hill, University of California LA More than an oar: Propulsion and signaling function of the trypanosome cilium Dr. John Donelson
Sept. 8 2117 MERF 10:30 AM Filip Van Petegem, University of British Columbia Channelopathies at High Resolution: Sodium- & Calcium-Selective Channels in Normal and Diseased States Dr. Madeline Shea
Sept. 22 2117 MERF 10:30 AM Rafael Garcia-Mata, University of Toledo Regulation of RhoG signaling in focal adhesions, invadopodia and cell-cell junctions Dr. Kris DeMali
Sept. 29 1289 CBRB 4:00 PM Jasper Rine, University of California Berkeley Epigenetics, metabolism and gene silencing Dr. Brandon Davies (Co-sponsored by MCB)
Oct. 20 2117 MERF 10:30 AM Sheila Baker, University of Iowa Interrogating bottlenecks and building problems for a pair of ion channels Department of Biochemistry
Oct. 27 2117 MERF 10:30 AM Nick Fitzkee, Mississippi State University Developing a molecular understanding of gold nanopartical-protein interactions Dr. Ernesto Fuentes
Nov. 3 2117 MERF 10:30 AM Wolf-Dietrich Heyer, University of California Davis Multi-invasion induced chromosomal rearrangements and chromothripsis Dr. Maria Spies
Nov. 10 2117 MERF 10:30 AM Dr. Susan Strome, University of California Santa Cruz Transmitting an epigenetic "memory of germline" across generations and through development Biochemistry Graduate Students
Dec. 1 2117 MERF 10:30 AM Dr. Sandra Gabelli, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Calmodulation of voltage-gated sodium channels Dr. Madeline Shea
Dec. 8 2117 MERF 10:30 AM Dr. Michael Welte, University of Rochester As the fat flies: lipid droplets as modulations of histone metabolism Dr. Pamela Geyer and Dr. Tina Tootle (Co-sponsored by MCB & ACB)