Presenters 2015

Name Mentor   Talk Title Future Plans
Brady A. Campbell     Elcock  Understanding the DNA:  AA Interface through Molecular Dynamics Simulations  This coming August, I will be traveling to Kenya for 10 months where I will be volunteering with an organization called Hopeful Africa.  I will be working closely with middle and high school level students.  Once I return home, I plan on going to medical school.
Alexander J. Hjelmaas     Davies    Investigating the Nature of ANGPTL3 Inactivation of LPL     Medical school at the University of Michigan starting this fall.          
Liam Hovey  Shea Calcium/Calmodulin Modulation of Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels Matriculating with MSTP (MD/PhD) program at the University of Washington in Seattle.
Sarah L. Mayer  Weeks Studies on Smooth Muscle Actin Mutations Linked to Human Disease After graduation, I will spend a year as an English Teaching Assistant in Columbia with the Fulbright program, then I will attend medical school at Washington University in St. Louis.
Michael E. Turek  Price Characterization of an RNA Polymerase II CTD Phosphatase Attending the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health in Madison, WI.
David Wadkins  Elcock  Molecular Simulation Studies of Sequence Dependent Features of DNA and RNA Conformation After graduation, I will be getting my masters in bio-medical engineering here at the University of Iowa.
Xin Xu  Brenner  Understanding Site Specificity of Non-enzymatic Protein Acetylation in Mitochondria After graduation, I will be going to the University of Minnesota to earn my Doctoral of Pharmacy degree.
Grant H. Young Wallrath  A Fruit Fly Model of Muscular Dystrophy Reveals Novel Mechanisms of Pathology I will either be attending medical school here at the University of Iowa in the fall or working for a year in the Wallrath lab.
Yinjie Zhai     Haim  Structural Modulation of HIV-1 Env by Stability Modifying Agents