Presenters 2017

Name Mentor Talk Title Future Plans
Emily Britt Brandon Davies Investigating the Interactions Between ANGPTL3, ANGPTL8, and Lipoprotein Lipase Attend the University of Wisconsin-Madison to pursue a PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry
Sarah Gardner Sheila Baker Post-Synaptic Development of the First Visual Synapse Attend graduate school at the University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, College of Molecular and Cellular Biology
Maria Núñez Hernandez Madeline Shea Calcium-Dependent Regulation of Calcineurin Activity Attend graduate school at the University of Iowa, Biochemistry
Nicholas McCarty E. Dale Abel Exploring Mechanisms by which the Insulin Responsive Glucose Transporter GLUT4 is Regulated in High-Fat Fed Hearts Doing a one-year MRes in Systems and Synthetic Biology, followed by a PhD in Biological Engineering at a U.S. institution.  I'd like to design and produce cardiovascular therapeutics en masse, using cheap starting materials, such as sugar.
Nicholas Mullen David Price Oxidative Stress Reveals Mechanistic Insight into Human 5' mRNA Capping Begin the MD/PhD program at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha.  Plans to pursue cancer research for his PhD and hopes to one day be an oncologist and run his own research lab.
Maureen O'Connor Lori Wallrath Lamin Localization and Genome Integrity in Rare Types of Muscular Dystrophy Applying to graduate school for Fall 2018
Sarah Van Dorin Ronald Weigel Role of TFAP2A in Transcriptional Regulation of Melanoma Attend Carver College of Medicine in Fall 2017
Zachary Wehrspan Ronald Weigel TFAP2C Orchestrates pH Regulation in Breast Tumors, and its Loss Leads to EMT, Facilitating the Warburg Effect Pursue a PhD in Biochemistry at the University of Iowa