Multiple Pathways to Recovery: A Conversation about Addiction Research and Treatment Services

Multiple Pathways to Recovery: A Conversation about Addiction Research and Treatment Services  promotional image

In this Obermann Conversation, three researchers and practitioners will discuss alternative forms of treating alcohol and drug addictions, including effectiveness for various populations.

Paul Gilbert conducts research to understand and address alcohol-related disparities. He is particularly interested in the ways that gender, race/ethnicity, and sexual orientation shape drinking patterns, risk of alcohol use disorders, and use of treatment services. His current projects include an NIH-funded study to test an explanatory model of alcohol treatment disparities, a New Faculty Research Award from the College of Public Health to identify and describe the strategies people use to overcome alcohol problems when they don’t utilize treatment services, and an evaluation of Iowa’s social host liability law that’s supported by the Iowa Institute of Public Health Research and Policy.  His next project will be a national study to understand how people define recovery and the strategies they use to change drinking behaviors, with comparisons between individuals who obtain treatment, those who use 12-step groups, and others who pursue independent change.

Marvin Hain has a BS in Health Promotion and a Master of Social Work from the University of Iowa. He worked at the Iowa City Community Mental Health Center as Homeless Outreach Coordinator for one year and also at the Cedar Rapids Vet Center. As a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC), he has at the VA Medical Center in the Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Program since 2002. He currently works at the Coralville VA Outpatient Clinic. take care of my cats, and work out.

Steve Steine is a Clinical Manager at Prelude Behavioral Services in its Eastern Iowa Office. He has a Master's degree in substance abuse and counseling from the University of Iowa. 

Free and open to the public.

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