Social Work CEU: Body Psychotherapy

Social Work CEU: Body Psychotherapy promotional image

What is Body Psychotherapy?

This workshop will introduce and encourage participants in the basic premises of body psychotherapy.  Since this field must be experienced to be known, four distinct skills will be conducted.   Participants will be able to use these skills with their clients. Bodynamics/Healing Developmental Disruptions and Somatic Experiencing, two very different approaches  will be explored.


Learning Objectives

1.  Participants will gain an understanding of Body Psychotherapy and how that differs from Cognitive therapies.

2.  Participants will learn and be able to reproduce four body psychotherapy skill building exercises.

3.  Participants will be able to talk about the benefits, drawbacks,  and experience the changes inherent in body psychotherapy.



What is Body Psychotherapy?

 9:00- 9:30  Introduction of presenter and participants.

                   Brief experiential exercise.


9:30- 10:00  Brief Introduction of Body and Somatic Psychotherapies shared concepts.


10:00- 10:30  Experiential Exercise.  Build the skill of using a resource.


10:30- 10:40   Restroom Break


10:40- 11:15  Review experiential exercise and outcome.  Build the skill of tracking.


11:15- 12:30  Basic introduction of Bodynamics/Healing Developmental Disruptions,                                    Somatic  Experiencing, if time Sensorimotor Psychotherapy


12:30- 1:30    Lunch


 1:30-  2:30   Explain windows in Body Psychotherapies, similarities and differences.


 2:30- 3:15   Experiential exercise of the spine.


 3:15- 3:30   Restroom Break


 3:30- 4:00   Review and wrap up the workshop.


Brief Bio

Betsy Zmuda-Swanson, SEP, LISW, LCSW, is a graduate from the University of Iowa School of Social Work.  A long standing, enthused psychotherapist employed previously at Robt Young Community Mental Health Center, Marriage and Family Counseling Service and in Private Practise, she discovered Body Psychotherapies twelve years ago.  Well trained in Somatic Experiencing and Bodynamics, she also assisted for five years in the Chicago area training others.

Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa–sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact Jen Knights in advance at (319)335-3750 or