Meet Lisa Wehr Maves

Lisa Wehr MavesLisa Wehr Maves, MPH

Hometown: Sigourney, Iowa

Residency Match: UI Hospitals and Clinics

Specialty: Internal medicine-psychiatry

Q: How did you choose your specialty?

A: As an undergrad, I was looking for a nursing assistant job and the only open position at the local hospital was in psychiatry. I enjoyed working in psych, so when I came to Iowa City for grad school I was again looking for a job in psych. In a roundabout way, I ended up working on the med-psych floor at UI Hospitals and Clinics. It turned out to be a perfect mix of my interests in both medicine and psychiatry.

Q: What experiences outside the curriculum greatly enhanced your medical education?

A: Volunteering with the student-run Free Mental Health Clinic (FMHC) provided me with a lot of practical experience in psychiatry and reminded me there was a purpose to all the time I spent in lectures. I eventually joined the student board that directs FMHC. I also worked on a research project through the clinic and helped develop an educational program for pre-clinical students who volunteer there.

Q: Is there someone who was especially helpful in guiding and mentoring you?

A: There were several people who were particularly helpful as I was better defining my career path and interests: Jess Fiedorowicz, Alison Lynch, Vicki Kijewski, and Thad Abrams.

Q: What was the most rewarding part of your CCOM experience?

A: My involvement with the Free Mental Health Clinic, where I could see my work and abilities evolve throughout med school.  

Q: What advice would you give to incoming medical students?

A: Sometimes med school sucks. That’s OK—everyone has those days (sometimes weeks). Find something either in or outside of medicine that’s meaningful to you and make time for it. I loved my time at the Free Mental Health Clinic, so I made a commitment to volunteer at least once a month, and that helped me get through the hard times.

Additional thoughts ...

When you find a rotation where you can wake up looking forward to the day and come home at night in a good mood, that should be a strong indicator that you’re on the right path.