Ahlers and Agbor receive travel awards to attend EB 2016 Conference

Katelin Ahlers, Ph.D., lecturer and postdoctoral research scholar in Dr. Rory Fisher's laboratory, received a travel award for her project entitled "Novel Brain-specific Isoforms of Regulator of G Protein Signaling 6 (RGS6)".  Nijotu (Larry) Agbor, Ph.D., postdoctoral research scholar in Dr. Curt Sigmund's laboratory, was selected by the Porter Physiology Development and Minority Affairs Committee as a recipient of the APS Minority Travel Fellowship awards and will be funded by the American Physiological Society.  Dr. Agbor will present an oral presentation entitled "Smooth Muscle Specific Expression of a Dominant Negative Cullin 3 Mutant (Cul3∆9) Causes Vascular Dysfunction in Mice Mediated by RhoA/Rho-kinase".  Both of these awards will be given as an oral presentation at the April 2016 Experimental Biology meeting in San Diego, CA.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016