Danny Linggonegoro receives prestigious Research Excellence Fellowship from the American Physiological Society

Danny Linggonegoro, an undergraduate researcher in the laboratory of Justin L. Grobe, PhD, has been selected to receive an Undergraduate Research Excellence Fellowship (UGREF) from the American Physiological Society (APS).  The UGREF program annually funds just six full-time undergraduate students with significant prior laboratory research experience to work for ten weeks during the summer in the laboratory of an established APS investigator.  Danny's ongoing project is focused on elucidating the mechanisms by which arginine vasopressin contributes to the pathogenesis of preeclampsia.  As a UGREF fellow, Danny will also receive a travel grant to support his attendance and present his research data at the 2017 APS annual meeting, Experimental Biology (EB 2017). EB is a broad-based scientific meeting of 5-7 diverse biological scientific societies that are members of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB). There are many opportunities for the students to mingle with other undergraduate students, graduate students, and researchers at the meeting. In addition, there are hundreds of scientific presentations and posters they can attend.  The UGREF program was established in 2012 as an initiative of the Career Opportunities in Physiology Committee and APS Council and is supported in full by the APS.

Friday, April 22, 2016