Greenlee awarded NIH K23 grant

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


Dr. Jeremy Greenlee, Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, has been awarded a K23 grant from the NIH for his research the feedback neural network that is engaged when hearing one's own voice adjusts and optimizes speech output. Dysfunction of this network is thought to contribute to certain speech disorders and psychoses. The research involves studies the effects of self-vocalization on neural responses in different auditory areas of the cerebral cortex of humans. Dr. Greenlee collaborates with Charles Larson, Ph.D., and his group at Northwestern University. Professor Larson is an expert in human vocal control, including the effects of feedback perturbations on voicing.

Dr. Greenlee received a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from the University of Michigan, followed by his M.D. degree from Indiana University. He completed his residency training in the University of Iowa Department of Neurosurgery. During this residency, he completed a 2-year research fellowship in the Human Brain Research Laboratory under the guidance of John Brugge and Matthew Howard. The K23 grant is meant to aid the transition of young clinician-scientist faculty members in becoming independent investigators via a 5 year period of mentored instruction and support.