Katelin Ahlers-Dannen, PhD

Address: 2-505 BSB
Phone: (319) 335-8331
Email: kahlers@healthcare.uiowa.edu

Mentor: Rory Fisher, PhD

PhD Institution: University of Iowa, 2014

Research Description

Physiological and pathophysiological roles of a novel brain-specific isoform of Regulator of G protein signaling  6 (RGS6)


  • Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Retreat Poster Award, 2018
  • Ranbir K. Bhatnagar Scholar Award, Department of Pharmacology, University of Iowa, 2018
  • Ranbir K. Bhatnagar Scholar Award, Department of Pharmacology, University of Iowa, 2017
  • ASBMB Postdoctoral Travel Award, 2016


  1. Chakravarti B, Yang J*, Ahlers-Dannen KE*, Luo Z, Flaherty HA, Meyerholz DK, Anderson ME, Fisher RA.:  Essentiality of RGS6 and oxidized CaMKII in Notch signaling and cardiovascular development. J. Am. J Am Heart Assoc. 6(11), 2017. *Denotes co-second authors.  PMCID: PMC5721783
  2. Yang J, Platt LT, Maity B, Ahlers KE, Luo Z, Lin Z, Chakravarti B, Ibeawuchi SR, Askeland RW, Bondaruk J, Czerniak BA, Fisher RA.:  RGS6 is an essential tumor suppressor that prevents bladder carcinogenesis by promoting p53 activation and DNMT1 downregulation. Oncotarget 7(43):69159-69172, 2016.  PMCID: PMC5342467
  3. Ahlers KE, Chakravarti B, Fisher RA.:  RGS6 as a Novel Therapeutic Target in CNS Diseases and Cancer. AAPS J 18(3):560-72, 2016.  PMCID: PMC5256616
  4. Ahlers KE, Karacay B, Fuller L, Bonthius DJ, Dailey ME.:  Transient activation of microglia following acute alcohol exposure in developing mouse neocortex is primarily driven by BAX-dependent neurodegeneration.  Glia 63(10):1694-713, 2015.  PMCID: PMC4534325
  5. Eyo U, Miner S, Ahlers K, Wu LJ, Dailey ME.:  P2X7 receptor activation regulates microglial cell death during oxygen-glucose deprivation. Neuropharmacology 73:311-319, 2013.  PMCID: PMC3786777