Casey Joins Faculty

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


The faculty and staff are pleased to welcome Darren P. Casey, PhD as Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science.  Starting in the fall 2013, he will direct the Exercise Physiology and Pharmacology components of the DPT and PhD curriculum.  Dr. Casey received his undergraduate (1999) and Masters (2001) degrees from Syracuse University, and doctorate from the University of Florida (2007) and completed his research training at the Mayo Clinic.  In general, his research interest is in the regulation of vascular tone and peripheral blood flow during exercise.  More specifically the role that local factors and the sympathetic nervous system have on blood flow during exercise under conditions of low oxygen delivery (i.e. hypoxia and hypoperfusion) and in conditions of aging and cardiovascular disease. His lab is funded by the NIH.

Welcome, Dr. Casey!