MECO (Medical Education Community Orientation)

MECO (Medical Education Community Orientation)

The primary goal of MECO is to introduce the soon-to-be second year medical student to the scope of health care in the hospital component of the health care delivery system. The MECO program should also orient the student to the community and to the way in which the health care delivery system contributes to its structure and function.  They receive experience with history taking and physical exams to prepare them for more of their clinical work in their M2 year. Students return from the experience refreshed and ready to take on their M2 year.

“(I) really enjoyed the small town setting and how much the physicians seemed to enjoy their jobs and work together! This really made me want to practice in a small town.”

MECO will

  • Introduce post-M1 medical students to the scope of health care in the hospital component of the health care delivery system.
  • Introduce students to the community and its cultural, political, economic and environmental determinants of health.
  • Orient students to the community and to the way in which the health care delivery system contributes to its structure and function.

“I was able to see many patients and practice history taking especially in the ER… I vastly improved my ability to take a accurate concise history.  I also feel much more comfortable interacting with the patients.”

MECO Logistics and Details

  • Information will be distributed to all M1 students in mid-January.
  • Students will have an opportunity to learn about the participating hospitals and communities before the application due date.
  • We usually have approximately 30 openings at 20 Iowa hospitals.
  • Average stipend earned is ~ $370-433/week (4 – 12 weeks).
  • ​Specific arrangements are the responsibility of the individual hospital and may vary.
  • Most participating sites provide housing either within the hospital or in hospital-owned housing.
  • Meals are usually provided by the hospitals.
  • Students observe and work with physicians in various specialties, assist with labor and delivery, suturing, and many other clinical procedures.

“I learned a lot about how my personality fits into certain specialties and I got a better idea of what specialty I would be a good fit for.”

For more information please contact our MECO Coordinator at ( 319-384-7517).