
A new study led by Sheila Baker, PhD, UI associate professor of biochemistry, and ophthalmology and visual sciences, suggests it may be possible to regenerate critical nerve structures in the eye that are disrupted by genetic mutations even after these structures known as synapses have matured...
Jeremy Greenlee, a clinician-scientist in the University of Iowa Department of Neurosurgery and member of the Iowa Neuroscience Institute, received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) on July 25 during a ceremony in Washington, D.C. ( read more )
University of Iowa student Ryan Kelley has won the 2019 Kwak-Ferguson Fellowship, a $10,000 award from the Iowa Neuroscience Institute for an upper level graduate student working in the area of neurodegenerative diseases. His research in the lab of Jeremy Greenlee, MD, Professor of Neurosurgery...
Alexandra Petrucci , a UI neuroscience graduate student who works in the Iowa Neuroscience Institute lab of Gordon Buchanan, MD, PhD, is one of four students nationally to win a predoctoral research fellowship award from the American Epilepsy Society. ( read more )
Colin Derdeyn, MD, the Krabbenhoft Chair in Radiology and department executive officer of radiology, is a winner of the 2019 Distinguished Investigator Award from the Academy for Radiology & Biomedical Imaging Research. ( read more )
The Iowa Neuroscience Institute has awarded two grants to support early-career faculty members pursuing research in epilepsy and neuropsychiatric disease. Brian Dlouhy, MD, assistant professor of neurosurgery, and Aislinn Williams, MD, PhD, will each receive $300,000 over two years to support their...
The University of Iowa Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) this week celebrated faculty, staff, and students who have distinguished themselves in the areas of research, scholarship, innovation and mentoring. Among the award winners were two INI faculty members and two students working...
Director’s Report, Spring 2019 Welcome new faculty Joseph Glykys , Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology PhD, Neuroscience, UCLA Postdoctoral Research Fellow & Pediatrics Internship, Massachusetts General Resident, Neurology Residency, Harvard U/Massachusetts General and Brigham and...
A recent study led by Ashutosh Mangalam, PhD, UI assistant professor of pathology, shows that a type of human gut bacteria is as effective as an approved drug in blocking multiple sclerosis-like symptoms in a mouse model of the disease. ( read more )
Ryan Boudreau, PhD, assistant professor in Cardiovascular Medicine, was awarded a five-year, $1.9M NIH R01. This funding will support Boudreau’s further investigation of the cardiovascular effects of a genetic variant in SCN5A, the gene that encodes the Nav1.5 sodium channel that provides the...