
Two Iowa Neuroscience Institute members have received named chairs and professorships. Donna Hammond, PhD , professor of anesthesia and of neuroscience and pharmacology, is the Roy J. Carver Chair in the Iowa Neuroscience Institute, and Matthew Potthoff, PhD, associate professor of neuroscience and...
Research on faulty genetic material by University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine professor Christopher Ahern recently was licensed by Tevard Biosciences, a company that is seeking to treat certain forms of epilepsy.
Rainbo Hultman, PhD, assistant professor of molecular physiology and biophysics and a member of the Iowa Neuroscience Institute, is one of three winners of the 2021 Neurobiology of Brain Disorders Awards from the McKnight Endowment Fund.
The Iowa Neuroscience Institute has awarded four Accelerator Grants to support high-impact neuroscience research in areas that are new or add value to existing research by branching in a new direction. This year’s grants support research on early detection of cognitive decline, basic...
In a collaboration with colleagues in the UI Carver College of Medicine and College of Engineering, Enrique Leira, MD, MS discovered that low-frequency vibrations, such as those associated with helicopter transport, may be beneficial for stroke patients treated with these clot-busting agents. The findings were published in the journal Stroke.
University of Iowa graduate student Margaret Tish has won the 2020 Kwak-Ferguson Fellowship, a $10,000 award from the Iowa Neuroscience Institute for an upper level graduate student working in the area of neurodegenerative diseases. Tish is a 4th year student in the Interdisciplinary Graduate...
Rasna Sabharwal, PhD, research assistant professor in Cardiovascular Medicine, received a four-year, $2.1M R01 from the NIH to investigate the central mechanisms and neural circuitry of emotional stress-mediated sudden death in dilated cardiomyopathy. ( read more )