Our students aren’t passive learners. At Iowa, you’ll go inside the lab and contribute to world-renowned research working alongside faculty experts to explore the diverse realms of this department.



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consecutive years ranked as one of the best academic hospitals in the. U.S.


Iowa's #1 hospital as ranked by u.s. news & World report

Carver College of Medicine Events

Women In Micro & Immuno Coffee Hour

Monday, January 13, 11:00am to Monday, December 8, 2025 12:00pm
Carver Biomedical Research Building
Join us for the Women in Micro & Immuno Coffee Hour. It is the monthly coffee hour on the second Monday of the month from 11 a.m. to noon in 1289 CBRB. Enjoy coffee, pastries and contribute to the discussion! This is open to ALL — students, staff, postdocs, and faculty interested in promoting women in science. Speakers change monthly. Contact: jessica-tucker@uiowa.edu for details.

Women In Micro & Immuno Coffee Hour

Monday, March 10, 2025 11:00am to Monday, February 2, 2026 11:00am
Carver Biomedical Research Building
Join us for the Women in Micro & Immuno Coffee Hour. It is the monthly coffee hour on the second Monday of the month from 11 a.m. to noon in 1289 CBRB. Enjoy coffee, pastries and contribute to the discussion! This is open to ALL — students, staff, postdocs, and faculty interested in promoting women in science. Speakers change monthly. Contact: jessica-tucker@uiowa.edu for details.
Study Abroad Conversation Series: Mindful Travel promotional image

Study Abroad Conversation Series: Mindful Travel

Monday, March 31, 2025 5:00pm to 6:00pm
University Capitol Centre
Traveling abroad isn't just about the destination — it's about the journey. Learn how to travel mindfully, respecting cultures and making meaningful connections along the way. Join us to hear how other Hawkeyes have embraced mindful travel and made the most of their experiences abroad. The Study Abroad Conversation Series amplifies the voices of students who studied abroad allowing them to share their experiences and stories with students whether they have committed to studying abroad or not...

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Reach out to us and we'd be happy to assist.