The Basics of the Help Our Students Travel (HOST) Program

If you are interested in utilizing the HOST program, the first thing to do is complete the student registration form. In the form, you can give us the details of when and where you'll be traveling, your contact information, and any other information that might be helpful when finding you a place to stay.

Our office will then contact alumni in that area and try to find an available alumnus host during your visit. Contacting busy physicians and scientists sometimes takes a bit of time, so the more lead time you can give us the better. We will do our absolute best to find you a great match.

Once a host is identified, we will share their contact information with you. It is then up to you to promptly give them a call or shoot them an email to share the details of your travel and make arrangements for your stay.

After you return from your interview, we encourage you to send a thank you note to your host.