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Congratulations to the Geyer lab for their publication "A De Novo Sequence Variant in Barrier-to-Autointegration Factor Is Associated with Dominant Motor Neuropathy" in the March 3, 2023 issue of Cells! The article can be read at https://doi.org/10.3390/cells12060847 .
Congratulations to Dr. Mallory Tollefson for her paper with the Iowa Institute of Human Genetics this year! The article "Assessing variants of uncertain significance implicated in hearing loss using a comprehensive deafness proteome" can be read at https://doi.org/10.1007/s00439-023-02559-9 . Dr. Tollefson is a recent PhD graduate in Biomedical Engineering under Dr. Mike Schnieders and will be joining the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology as a Clinical Lecturer this fall. Welcome Dr. Tollefson!
Congratulations to former Head and DEO of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dr. John Donelson for receiving an inaugural University of Iowa High Prestigious Faculty Award! This award honors faculty who have been recognized with a highly prestigious award as determined by the National Research Council.
Congratulations to Chris Langland and Sydney Walker (former lab member) for their publication in Cells ! Using fruit fly avatars, their studies revealed different pathological mechanisms in 2 women with mutations in the LMNA gene, one possessing skeletal muscle disease & the other an Olympic medalist. "Drosophila Models Reveal Properties of Mutant Lamins That Give Rise to Distinct Diseases" Walker SG*, Langland CJ*, Viles J, Hecker LA, Wallrath LL (*co-first authors) Cells . 12 Apr 2023. doi: 10.3390/cells120811142 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37190051/
Catch up on the activities of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in our latest newsletter ! Have updates to share? Please send those to us via our webform or by email to biochem@uiowa.edu .
Dr. Marc Wold, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, was honored as an Impact Scholar at the third annual Celebration of Excellence in Research, Scholarship, Teaching, and Service on Monday, April 24th. Carver College of Medicine Impact Scholars are selected "based on on the Hirsch index, also known as the H-index, which represents the number of research papers a faculty member has published, and the papers' impact as determined by how many times they have been cited by other scientists and scholars in subsequent research articles." Dr. Wold was recognized for having an H-index score of 50 or higher. Congratulations Dr. Wold!
Congratulations to graduate student Logan Dawson for successfully passing the comprehensive exam! Logan will continue his PhD studies under the mentorship of Dr. Kris DeMali.
Congratulations to graduate student Lucy Langmack for successfully passing the comprehensive exam! Lucy will continue her PhD studies under the mentorship of Dr. Ted Abel.
Dr. Zachary Wehrspan, who completed his PhD in 2022 with Dr. Adrian Elcock, was awarded the 2023 Subramanian Award for the best PhD thesis in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the past year. Dr. Wehrpsan's thesis was entitled, "Whole cell models of Escherichia coli peptidoglycan." Zach is currently a Postdoctoral Research Scholar in Dr. Elcock's lab. Congratulations Dr. Wehrspan! The Subramanian Award is made possible by a gift from Dr. Alap Subramanian ('64 PhD), a student from the department, who parlayed his training with the late George Kalnitsky (and with Irving Klotz at Northwestern and both Bernard Davis and Herman Kalckar at Harvard Medical School) into a highly successful career at the Max-Planck-Institute.
Congratulations to Dr. Emily Lavering for passing her thesis defense entitled, "Examining Membraneless Compartmentalization in the Nucleolus!" Emily's mentor is Dr. Daniel Weeks. Following graduation, Emily will be starting a faculty position at the University of Michigan-Flint.