Graduate Alumni 1990-1999

Name Year Mentor Current Position
David Engman 1990 Donelson Professor in Pathology and Microbiology-Immunology and Director, MSTP program, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Debra Martin 1990 Van Ness Chair, Professor of Biology, Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
Paul S. Eder 1991 Walder Senior Medical Diagnostics Analyst, Tunnell Consulting
Lixing W. Reneker 1991 Spector Associate Professor of Ophthalmology , School of Medicine, University of Missouri-Columbia
John Dagle 1991 Weeks Associate Director, Iowa Statewide Perinatal Care Program, Program Director Neonatal-Perinatal Medical Fellowship, Professor of Pediatrics-Neonatology and of Biochemistry, University of Iowa
Yung-Chih (Judy) Wang 1991   Vice President, Corporate Development
China HUYA Bioscience International
Hong-Wei Sun 1992 Plapp Chief, Biodata Mining & Discovery Section, National Institute of Arthritis & Muscuskeletal and Skin Disease, National Institute of Health
Gloria Borgstahl  1992 Arnone Professor, Eppley Institute for research in Cancer and Allied Diseases, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Jeff Linnen 1993 Weeks Vice President of Product Development at Grifols, San Diego, CA
Raj Gururajan 1994 Weeks Senior Licensing Officer, InnovationAccess, School of Medicine, US Davis Medical Center
Sigrid C. Roberts 1994 Donelson Assistant Dean for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of Pharmacy, Pacific University of Oregon
Daniel Kephart 1994 Price Vice President of Research & Development, LCG
Shivong Li 1995 Donelson Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine
Susan Pedigo  1995 Shea Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry, The University of Mississippi
Liskin Swint-Kruse  1995 Robertson Chair, Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Kansas Medical Center
Brian Baker  1997 Murphy Rev. John A. Zahm Professor, Structural Biology, Chair, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Notre Dame
Gregory T. DeKoster  1997 Robertson Senior Scientist in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Washington University School of Medicine
Debbie C. Thurmond 1997 Goodridge Professor, Chair, Department of Molecular and Cellulare Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Research Institute, Ruth B & Robert K Lanman Chair in Gene REgulation & Drug Discovery Research, City of Hope
Eric Vincent 1997 Weeks Sr. Global Product Manager at Promega Adjunct Faculty at University of Wisonsin, Madison and BioPharmaceutical Technology Center
Nei-Li Chan 1998 Arnone Professor at National Taiwan University
Victoria Robinson 1998 Arnone Associate Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Connecticut
Kristin C. Scott   1998 Geyer Assistant Research Professor, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Duke University School of Medicine
Bridget Coughlin  1999 Donelson President & CEO, Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, Illinois
Junmin Peng 1999 Price Member, St. Jude Faculty
Director, St. Jude Proteomic Facility
Yong-Xu Wang 1999 Weisman Associate Professor, Molecular, Cell and Cancer Biology, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Wei Xu 1999 Cohen Professor of Oncology, Marian A. Messerschmidt Professor of Cancer Research, Genetics Program, McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Cheryl Bailey       1999 Weeks Dean, School of Natural and Health Sciences, Mount Mary University