Lucas Carr, PhD

Contact Information

Office: E118 FH 
Phone: 319-353-5432 
Faculty Profile

Brief description of current research:

My research is focused on understanding the determinants of physical activity and sedentary behaviors and developing sustainable solutions to facilitate behavior change. Our ultimate goal is to promote informed decision making to support a better designed and healthier world.

3 most influential diabetes/obesity/metabolism publications:

  • Carr, LJ, Leonhard, C, Tucker S, Fethke N, Benzo, RM, and Gerr, F. Total Worker Health™ Intervention Increases Activity of Sedentary Workers. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;50(1):9-17.
  • Carr, LJ, Karvinen, K, Peavler, M, Smith, R and Cangelosi, K. Multicomponent Intervention to Reduce Daily Sedentary Time: A Randomied Controlled Trial. BMJ Open. 2013;3: e003261.
  • Carr, LJ, Dunsiger, SI, Lewis, B, Ciccolo, JT, Hartman, S, Bock, BC, Dominick, G, & Marcus, BH. Randomized Controlled Trial Testing the Efficacy of an Internet Physical Activity Intervention for Sedentary Adults. Health Psychology. 2013;32(3):328-36.


"Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is very difficult, especially when the environment is not supportive.  By better understanding the environmental and policy level determinants of health behaviors, we can design environments that sustainably support healthy lifestyles for all."