Why Iowa

Where is Iowa City?

Iowa City is 220 miles directly west of Chicago on Interstate 80. It's also within a 4-5 hour drive to Milwaukee, Madison, Minneapolis, Omaha, Kansas City, and St. Louis. It has the cultural, educational, social, and political opportunities of a bigger city with the values and ambiance of a Midwestern town.

No. 5
Best College Towns
Municipal Equality
No. 19
100 Places to Live
N0. 4
Best Places to Live

Rankings and Recognition

  • Iowa City ranked No. 5 on Business Insider's "20 Best College Towns in America" list.
  • Iowa City scored 100% on the Human Rights Campaign Municipal Equality Index - rating laws, policies, and services for inclusivity of LGBTQ people.
  • Iowa City ranked No. 19 on the Money list of "100 Best Places to Live."
  • Iowa City ranked No. 4 on Livability's "Best Places to Live" list, as well as by the American Institute for Economic Research among their "Top 20 College Towns."