Submitted by hoffmanh on Sat, 02/15/2020 - 08:25
return to: Unilateral Laryngeal Paralysis or Vocal Cord Paralysis
see also: Injectable substances for injection laryngoplasty
Transoral injection to vocal cord:
Vocal cord paralysis treated with in-clinic transoral Restylane injection laryngoplasty
Vocal Cord Injection with Prolaryn Gel with Videostroboscopy (transoral)
Percutaneous (through the neck) injection to vocal cord:
Percutaneous Injection Laryngoplasty
In-the-operating room approach to pushing the paralyzed vocal cord closer to the normal vocal cord
- Setup for thyroplasty (medialization laryngoplasty)
- Type I Thyroplasty (Gore-tex) case examples
- Intraoperative Manipulations Goretex Thyroplasty