return to: Otology - Neurotology
Note: last updated before 2010
- Surgical Intensive Care Unit
- Overnight Neurological monitoring for intracranial bleed.
- No narcotics used except codeine, tylenol #3, occasional fentanyl
- Zofran, Reglan used for nausea, avoid Phenergan
- Control blood pressure to prevent intracranial bleed.
- Carefully assess & document facial nerve function as soon as patient can give reliable exam.
- Facial function may decline postoperatively secondary to swelling.
- Good function immediately postoperatively generally implies complete return of function if the nerve does not suffer a delayed paralysis.
- Postoperative Day 1
- Transfer from surgical intensive care unit to general floor (3JPW)
- Change dressing daily
- x 5 days for BG patients,
- qod x 4 days for MH patients.
- Remove Foley catheter, arterial lines, supplemental oxygen, EKG leads/telemetry
- Hemoglobin level if extensive blood loss intraoperatively
- Up to chair, ambulate, PT
- Clear liquids when nausea is under adequate control
- may then advance diet as tolerated
- Ambulate with assistance
- Assess hearing status if MCF (tuning fork exam)
- Daily nystagmus & facial nerve exam
- The patient should be asked daily if he or she has a salty taste in mouth, or has noticed any dripping from nose
- Remove abdominal Penrose drain (TL only), monitor abdominal wound (both TL & MCF)
- Postoperative Day 2
- Ambulate with assistance x 6 times
- Patient receives a total of 6 doses of antibiotics (Ancef or Clindamycin) and steroids (Decadron)
- If delayed facial paresis develops, the steroids + an antiviral are continued for 10 days
- Postoperative Day 3
- Reservoir test for CSF rhinorrhea x 3 minutes
- Discharge planning may start as early as POD3
- Criteria
- Tolerating PO intake
- Ambulating independently
- Has had bowel movement (is not absolute requirement)
- No CSF leak or fevers
- Criteria
- Discharge instructions
- No heavy lifting above 15 pounds for four weeks
- No bending below the waist for four weeks
- No nose blowing
- Sneeze through open mouth
- No strenuous activity or bearing down for four weeks
- May wash hair after dressing is removed
- No salon treatments until 1 month postop
- Patient may resume driving when they feel able
- No CPAP x4 weeks
- If patient develops CSF leak
- Place lumbar drain for 5 full days
- BG: full bedrest
- MH: may clamp x15 min for ambulation 3x daily
- Clamp on the morning of postoperative day 6
- Test reservoir at least 8 hours after clamping
- If negative, remove drain and observe for 24 hours until discharge
- If positive, revision surgery indicated to close leak
- Approach depends on hearing status
- After translab, do subtotal petrousectomy: obliterate mastoid and eustachian tube, close off EAC
- If hearing present, revise MCF and place more fat, fascia, and muscle into the IAC defect; make sure no air cells are unwaxed
- Place lumbar drain for 5 full days postoperatively
- Place lumbar drain for 5 full days
- After discharge
- Remove stitches (may be done locally)
- 7-10 days for BG patients
- 10-14 days for MH patients
- Delay suture removal if CSF effusion is present
- Follow-up appointment at four weeks postoperatively
- MRI with gadolinium (consider CISS, FIESTA sequence if unable to administer contrast)
- Test hearing if MCF approach
- Document facial function
- Release to return to work
- Remove stitches (may be done locally)