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Prep and Drape - Osteocutaneous Fibula Free Flap

last modified on: Tue, 01/09/2024 - 15:09

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This patient underwent tracheotomy prior to prep/drape for resection and reconstruction.

  1. Standard prep, 10% providone iodine (circumferential to leg, from foot to groin)
  2. Drape
    1. Prep the head and neck separately from the leg.
    2. Impervious drape under the leg (may use sandbags for positioning)
    3. Towels around the operative leg circumferentially; a sticky drape is wrapped circumferentially around the ipsilateral leg on the extreme aspect of the upper thigh to separate the groin from the operative field. The upper lateral thigh is draped to allow harvest of a skin graft.
    4. Split sheet around the leg