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Rongeur Tray, Large

last modified on: Mon, 05/15/2017 - 07:31

Rongeur Tray, Large

1 Kerrison Laminectomy Rongeur, Up Biting, 15.2 cm Shaft, Upbiting 5 mm Bite

1 Kerrison Rongeur Forceps, 13.9 cm Handle, WL 10.1 cm, Medium and Large

1 Kleinert-Kutz Rongeur, Double-Action, Light Curved, 15.2 cm Long, Small 3 mm Double Action, Light Curve

1 Luer-Whiting Rongeur Forceps, Heavy, Curved Jaws, 18.0 cm Long

1 Schlesinger Cervical Laminectomy Rongeur, Up-Biting, Handle, 10.6 cm, 16.5 cm WL

1 Stille-Luer Type Rongeur Forceps, Curved, 22.2 cm Long 10 mm Jaws

1 Stille Type Rongeur Forceps, Double Action, Angled on Side, 22.5 cm Long