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Submandibular Gland Massage (Clinical Exam) Impact of Botulinum Toxin (Botox) Ductal Insufflation

see also: Salivary gland massage (parotid massage technique demonstrated) and Drooling: Causes and Management (ptyalism, sialorrhea, hypersalivation)

Video of the floor of mouth demonstrating the effect of massaging the submandibular glands (pressing up medially under the midportion of the mandible) to show delivery of saliva from both submandibular ducts before Botox was infused into the left gland - and again 18 days after the Botox had been infused:

Still Image Below:


On-line open access:

Schwalje AT and Hoffman HT: Intraductal Salivary Gland Infusion with Botulinum Toxin. Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology first published 03 September 2019