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Case Example
47 yo with anterior neck swelling addressed with surgical removal to thyroglossal duct cyst. A second procedure one week later was needed to address fluid accumulation in the anterior neck that persisted warranting referral to the University of Iowa. Exploration was done to resect additional tissue and identify a patent epithelial lined tract communicating to the oropharynx through the foramen cecum.
The series of photos below shows the surgical bed after removal TGD remnant at the U of Iowa (2nd revision surgery, third surgical procedure to address the TGD cyst). Note the resection required entry into the oropharynx (note epiglottis and endotracheal tube) in order to encompass the epithelial-lined tract commincating the salivary-contaminated oropharynx with the neck.

Microscopic view of H+E staining of patent tract communicating from foramen cecum in oropharynx
TGD tissue removed at 3rd procedure (2nd revision) showing probe through epithelial lined tract commmunicating with oropharynx
Unlabelled surgical site. Note commmunication to oropharynx exposing epiglottis and endotracheal tube.
Surgical site after removal of thyroglossal duct cyst at time of 3rd procedure (2nd revision)