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Pathology of Warthin's Tumor

last modified on: Thu, 04/18/2024 - 16:24

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see also: Parotidectomy with Facial Nerve DissectionParotidectomy - case example (resection of multiple Warthin's tumors)Salivary SwellingWarthin Tumor Radiology

Surgery - Parotidectomy is the stardard surgical treatment. Capsular dissection without formal parotidectomy is a resonable alternative in selected cases due to the benign, non-recurrent nature of the tumor.

Radiation - not indicated

Immunotherapy - not indicated

Chemotherapy - not indicated 

Observation - reasonable alternative to surgery in patients with either 1) significant comorbidities or 2) anatomic/physiologic alterations that compromise successful surgery (e.g. high risk for facial nerve paralysis). In these cases, serial ultrasound (possible repeat FNA) is often offered.