Congratulations, M4s!

Submit your message of congratulations to the class of 2020 (easiest on your phone!)

Holly Bonfig Becker, Radiation Science

Eric Epping, Psychiatry

A family stands with their arms around a university athletics mascotCongratulations Class of 2020 from my Hawkeye family (and Herky) to all of you!

Zach Mortensen, Tirth Shah, and Matt Field,  Internal Medicine/Ophthalmology

Three men rubbing their chingsWe're all thinking about how proud we are of you all and how much fun we had with you on our rotations! Congratulations! We loved working with such a fantastic group of medical students and were impressed with your work ethic and compassion for patients. You all deserve your match results.Congratulations!!

Catherine DeGeeter, Pediatric GI

A baby eating in a high chairCongratulations M4s!!! So proud of all of you! My baby celebrated your success with a good old fashioned cake smash - hope you are able to do the same!

Peter Densen, Internal Medicine & Bean LC

A man and a woman standing together and smiling.  The man is wearing a Santa hat. Congratulations to the CCOM Class of 2020 on match and pending graduation. These are auspicious times. As hard as it is for me to say, I agree with Dr. Rubenstein: go forth with confidence and remember that even the immune system needs the Krebs cycle. Return often to enjoy Bean Community's pancake gala! Peter

Marc Pizzimenti, Anatomy and Cell Biology

Photo of a man gesturing with two thumbs up, with text describing in anatomical terms the gesture.That’s two great big thumbs up! Congratulations on learning of your ‘new’ assignment! As you prepare for the next part of your journey, I would encourage you reflect on your accomplishments here at CCOM. In reflecting I hope that you find many great memories, and take comfort in your peers with whom those memories were built. Reach out (virtually, for now) in support of each other, particularly in this very unusual time. It was great working with all of you. You have accomplished great things, with many more ahead. Wishing you the best as you get ready to start your ‘new’ assignment.

Jennifer Powers, Dermatology

A photo of several containers of ice-cream sitting on a countertopMatching is even better than ice cream!!! A special shout out to our dermatology matches. Congratulations!!!

Peter Rubenstein, Department

A professional headshotDear M4s,
My heartiest congratulations on your matches and your upcoming graduations.  You have worked very hard to achieve your goals, and it has been a pleasure and an honor for me to share this journey with you.  It is unfortunate that you will not be able to participate in the ceremonies that normally mark this phase of your journey.  Do not let this detract from your feelings of accomplishment.  Look forward to your residencies and the help you will soon be providing to your patients.  Recent events demonstrate how much we will need you.
I have three pieces of advice:  

From my perspective as a patient, listen to your patients, be willing to teach your patients knowledgeably, honestly, and with empathy.

Never cease to be amazed by the body you will be treating, how its component parts at all levels contribute to its function and how these parts are integrated, how precarious this operation can be and yet how resilient, especially with your help, it can be at the same time.

Most importantly, the Krebs Cycle is your friend.

Congratulations again, stay in touch, and visit me when you return to campus.

Luis Garcia, Surgery

A photo of a man looking down into the cameraTo all of the graduating medical students, a heartfelt congratulations. All of you have performed at a high level the last four years and are poised to make a significant impact going forward. You should all be extremely proud of your accomplishments.

It has been an honor to have had the opportunity to play a role in your education. Best of luck in your future endeavors.


Hardin Library, UI Libraries

An image of a group of people attending an online meeting, with a message "Congratulations from Hardin Library!"Congratulations, M4s! The entire staff at (the now entirely online) Hardin Library for the Health Sciences wishes you all the best in your future careers. It's been a pleasure being your library for the past four years.

Jennifer Hrabe, Colorectal Surgery

Photo of a woman with a big smile giving a thumbs upALL Y’all! Congratulations!

Justin Sipla, Anatomy & Cell Biology, Neurology

Mary Graeff, alumni

A composited photo of a couple standing in front of a backdrop of the Seattle skyline.   Congratulations class of 2020! I am an alumni class of 1993 and practice pediatrics in Bloomfield iowa. Very proud of you all.

Education Leadership Team, Internal Medicine

Dr. Lillian Erdahl, Surgery

Adam Parker, Medicine Alumni Society

Jason Barker, Internal Medicine

A point-of-view photo of students in a gym, sitting or standing around a folding table.  The photographer is holding a guitar.I'm sorry you are having to miss your graduation festivities this year. I was looking forward to getting to play guitar with your award-winning Frolics band again. I'm sharing a random pic I took during a rehearsal from 2019, as it brings back nice memories.
It's been a pleasure teaching, working with, and playing with you guys. Best wishes as we deal with this pandemic, and be sure to stay in touch.
Jason H. Barker, MD

Azeemuddin Ahmed, MD, MBA, Emergency Medicine

Christopher Cooper, OSAC

(Dean Cooper says he meant to say "overestimate" at 1:20)

Bharat Kumar, Internal Medicine

Imran Hassan, Surgery

A selfie of Imran HassanCongratulations on a job well done. This is just the beginning of a great journey for all of you and the best is yet to come

Brian Gehlbach, Internal Medicine

Selfie of Brian GehlbachIt was such an honor to teach all of you, and to watch you grow in skills and confidence over the years. You're ready! Congratulations!

Darren Hoffmann, Anatomy and Cell Biology

Allan Reed, Surgery

A photo of three people in surgical scrubs standing on the tarmac next to a small planeCongratulations to all of you. Strange times we are in. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to get to know many more of you on the wards and through the HDSM&P Distinction track. While cancelling these monumental events are sincere disappointments now, you will look back on them as unique occurrences in your careers that will mark you as extraordinary. To those I have met and those I have not yet: Do great things; you are CCOM GRADUATES. I have no doubt you all will.

Nora Royer, Surgery

Selfie of Nora Royer wearing a surgical bouffant and scrubsAs you learn of your residency appointments, I hope you will take a few minutes to reflect on who you are and the kind of doctor you aim to become (not just in terms of specialty, but in terms of the qualities and strengths you possess). You all have a tremendous capacity to do a great deal of good for your patients and for our profession. I am so proud of you! I wish you many satisfying years of practice ahead.

Amy AHearn, Admissions

Brittany Bettendorf, Rheumatology

An image of a emoticon wearing a party hat and blowing a party hornAs you learn of your residency appointments, I hope you will take a few minutes to reflect on who you are and the kind of doctor you aim to become (not just in terms of specialty, but in terms of the qualities and strengths you possess). You all have a tremendous capacity to do a great deal of good for your patients and for our profession. I am so proud of you! I wish you many satisfying years of practice ahead.

Brooks Obr, Emergency Medicine

Melissa Chan

Photo of Melissa Chan in a bathroom wearing an alien on her headCongratulations M4s! So thankful to have met so many of you, seen what amazing individuals you are, and am confident of the wonderful physicians you will be! I am happy and excited to see what is the next part in your journey! Best of luck!

Andy Peterson, Pediatrics

Deema Fattal, Neurology

Photo of Deema Fattal, NeurologyTo All M4s:
Big Congratulations! You made it!
Sorry you could not celebrate live.
Wishing you the BEST in all your future endeavors and wherever the road takes you.
May you always be surrounded by peace and may you help others be surrounded by peace.

Annaliese Bosco, Neurology

Photo of Annaliese Bosco, Neurology

Congratulations M4s on matching! I have enjoyed working with so many of you. Your class is going to make an amazing group of doctors. Well wishes from my family as we socially isolate in solidarity! Some day when you are wise 80yo doctors you will tell young med students about how you ended med school during a pandemic. ❤️

Dave Etler, OSAC