A loan repayment program will be offered by the CCOM for CRISP students as follows:
- Be accepted into and successfully complete the CRISP program throughout four years of medical school
- Match into an internal medicine, general surgery, family medicine, pediatrics, psychiatry or Ob/Gyn residency program.
- Commit to practice in an eligible community (population less than 26,000, at least 20 miles from a city with population of 50,000) for a period of five years immediately after successful completion of graduate medical education.
- $20,000 will be given in January of the first year of residency for students who match in an eligible Iowa residency program. After each of the first five years in practice in an eligible Iowa town, $16,000 will be given for a total of an additional $80,000.
- For those completing their residency training out of state, but returning and practicing in an eligible Iowa community immediately after completing their graduate medical education, after each of the first five years of practice in an eligible Iowa town, $20,000 per year will be given for a total of $100,000.