2nd Year (CHO 3) Overview

  • Students plan and implement a project to address health care for underserved populations (healthcare in the broadest sense, which includes social determinants of health) in line with the mission of the class.
    • Projects continue for at least the duration of one semester.
    • Students should expect to spend an average of two hours a week on projects.
  • Students will define in their project proposals:
    • Rationale for choosing the project;
    • Goals of the project;
    • Specific plans to meet the goals;
    • At least one outcome of the project;
    • Evaluation measures.
  • Evaluations are the major determinant of receiving credit for the class. A project does not have to be deemed “successful” to receive credit.
  • In planning their projects, students should outline original and well-defined goals that demonstrate individual initiative to meet a need defined by an agency or community. This is particularly important when students choose to work with community organizations; students' goals should be in line with those of the organization they will work with.
  • The student should apply what they learned in CHO 1 to address specific needs or issues within an underserved population. The project should be designed to address these needs, thus providing a service to the community as well as a positive experience for students.
  • Projects that can be continued and expanded on by students in future classes are encouraged.
  • All projects must be approved by the CHO Supervisor before implementation.
  • Students will meet with the course Supervisor periodically to discuss their progress and address any needs the student may have.
  • Students will present their projects in December or May of their M2 year, depending on their project timeline.