Important Financial Literacy Links:
Federal Student Aid Website - track your federal loans online
Mint - great source for budgeting information, financial strategies, and articles on financial literacy
The White Coat Investor - great source for financial literacy articles, blogs, and resources
Paycheck City - determine how much your take home pay will be once you start earning a paycheck
AAMC First - great source for financial literacy articles, videos, and webinars
AAMC First Medloans Calculator - estimate loan repayment amounts during residency and after residency. Estimate length of repayment period, total interest paid, total loan repayment amount, and forgiveness estimates
Federal Loan Repayment Estimator - another excellent resource for estimating repayment amounts. This calculator does not take residency into consideration so it works great for Physician Assistant students.
Wallet Hub - Another great resource for fincnial literacy information! This website offers lots of information on a wide variety of financial literacy topics
University of Iowa U-bill Powerpoint - very informative presentation on what you need to know about your u-bill.