Ophthalmology Interest Group

Ophthalmology is a cutting edge field where advances in science and technology are occurring at a dizzying rate. It’s an opportunity for you as a future physician to practice a field of medicine that is both technically and intellectually demanding. It’s a field that offers a wide variety of clinical and academic practices, ranging from the fast-paced, procedure-oriented clinic and O.R. of the general ophthalmologist, to the detail-oriented, clinically demanding practice of the neuro-ophthalmologist.

The ophthalmology interest group is a student run organization which offers all medical students the opportunity to gain an understanding and appreciation for the field of ophthalmology. The group is open to all medical students regardless of their year in medical school or future career goals.

The first meeting of the year is traditionally within the first month of the first semester and is an introduction to the field of ophthalmology. This is an excellent chance for students to interact with a resident physicians from the department of ophthalmology and learn what a career in ophthalmology is like. WE use this time to discuss what an ophthalmologist’s practice entails as well as what steps you can take now to improve your standing when applying for residencies.

Subsequent meetings are based on interest, but historically have ranged from faculty in specific sub-specialties speaking about their area of interest to community service events to forums on how to apply for and interview for residencies.

The ophthalmology interest group is a chance to learn about a specialty that you may not have considered as a career choice. It’s an opportunity to meet students from different years, as well as take part in important community service events. I look forward to meeting you at our first meeting; please e-mail me if you have any questions about the interest group or ophthalmology in general.

