SNaHP aims to serve members through providing education, training, and advocacy opportunities around health care policy reform. We support the goal of a universal, publicly funded, privately delivered single-payer national health insurance; however we invite everyone interested in health policy, health systems, and health care reform broadly to join us for our events. We plan to have a variety of events, including a debate with representatives for and against single payer, documentary screenings, and social hours for those interested in health policy and advocacy. SNaHP invites medical students as well as students of all allied and public health professions to learn more about single payer health reform and, most importantly, on why they should get involved in health care reform advocacy as medical students and not wait until residency or beyond. We also focus on healthcare reform proposals more broadly by holding events on the direction of healthcare reform after the Affordable Care Act and discussing current bills at the state and federal levels. Lastly, we foster opportunities for collaboration and networking amongst the other SNaHP medical school chapters in the greater Midwest by participating in conferences and other events.