Alumni Services

Degree/Enrollment Verification & Licensure Forms 

There is no charge for transcripts or processing verification and licensure forms.  Please allow five business days from date of receipt for processing requests.  If a transcript is required, please request a transcript from the Office of the Registrar. Forms may be mailed or emailed to the following address:

CCOM Verifications
Office of Student Affairs & Curriculum
University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine
1216 MERF
Iowa City, IA 52242-2600

Requests through email:

DEA Opioid and Substance Use licensure requirements

Note: As of July 2023, the DEA added a licensure requirement of 8 hours of instruction in treating and managing patients with opioid or other substance use disorders, including use of FDA approved treatments.  CCOM has confirmed that MD students who matriculated 2014 or after, and subsequently graduated, have met the minimum 8 hour requirement.


Requests from 1997 graduates and prior years should be directed to the Registrar's Office at (319) 335-0228

Requests from graduates since 1998 may be made by contacting Annette Griffin: 319-335-6823

MSPE Requests 

Requests may be e-mailed to Annette Griffin:

All copies of MSPEs will be sent with a cover sheet verifying the graduation date. Also included is the following text: "Please be informed that the Medical Student Performance Evaluation was prepared during the Fall term of the student's fourth year of medical school. This letter is sent to you in its original format and has not been updated to include fourth year courses."

Please include the following information:

  • name (including name while in attendance if now different)
  • approximate dates of attendance
  • your address and phone number
  • address of the person/program to be sent the requested documents
  • indicate any deadline dates that may apply
  • links to the MIDUS transcript and MSPE upload site (if applicable)


Official transcripts must be requested from the University of Iowa Office of the Registrar, except if accompanying a licensing form (transcript required must be indicated on the form) or MIDUS fellowship application.  If applying to ERAS fellowships through MIDUS, please send the links for transcript and MSPE to Annette Griffin: 319-335-6823

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