Careers in Medicine (CiM) is a program developed for you, the medical student to help navigate through the vocational aspects of medical school. The goal is to match your personality with your professional skills and interests to find your best fit prior to residency. Additionally, part of the intention behind CiM is to help you feel most satisfied with your chosen area of specialty; connecting you with proper specialists, exploring your personality and maximizes your options within the field of medicine.
Stages and Goals of the CiM process
The key is to establish a road map for your career choices with great flexibility within the field of medicine as you progress through your degree.
Stage 1: Understanding yourself
- Self exploration and reflection
- Build your personal profile via the CiM website
Stage 2: Exploring options
- Obtain information and contacts at the University of Iowa about areas of specialization.
- Begin to match personality, interests, and skills with areas of specialty.
Stage 3: Choosing a specialty
- Rank order areas of specialty, rank sites and select residency
Stage 4: Getting into residency
- Apply, interview, acceptance into residency, and reflection.
- M1 Year
- M2 Year
- M3 Year
- M4 Year
Programs and Workshops
- M1s CiM Workshop: info pending
- M2s CiM Workshop: info pending
“Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance.”
-- Brian Tracy