For immediate emergency assistance, call 9-1-1
If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis:
During Office Hours (M-F, 8AM-5PM): Call or visit the MSCC: (319)335-8056, 1240 MERF and request immediate assistance.
After Hours/24 Hour Crisis Resources:
- Psychiatry Resident on call: (319) 356-1616
- CommUnity Crisis Services
- UI Department of Public Safety: (319) 335-5022
- UIHC Emergency Treatment Center: (319) 356-2233
- Mercy Hospital Emergency Care Unit: (319) 339-3600
- Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
If you have been sexual assaulted:
- Rape Victim Advocacy Program: (319)335-6000
For concerns related to domestic violence or abuse:
- Domestic Violence Intervention Program: (319) 351-1043
For concerns related to campus or personal safety:
- UI Threat Assessment Team: (319) 384-2955