Disability & Reasonable Accommodations

The University of Iowa, Carver College of Medicine (CCOM) strives to ensure that all programs, services, and activities offered by and within the University are accessible to all students and recognizes that students with disabilities may require reasonable accommodations.

Students may disclose a disability at any time after formal acceptance into CCOM. Reasonable accommodations are determined on a prospective, case-by-case basis.

Any student seeking accommodation for an existing disability should contact the Medical Student Counseling Center at (319) 335-8056 or by email at osac-mscc@uiowa.edu to speak with a n accessibility specialist and begin the interactive process as soon as possible. Meetings can be arranged in-person, through a Zoom virtual meeting, or by telephone.  

Accommodations Application Process

  • During an initial meeting, the counselor with review all Policies for Students with Disabilities, and the process to request accommodations, including any required medical documentation.
  • Students may receive the following required forms by email or may request a hardcopy:
    • Student Disability Disclosure Form & Request for Reasonable Accommodations
    • Student Disability Disclosure Statement of Understanding and Release
    • Authorization to Obtain and/or Release Information to/from Healthcare Provider
  • An accessibility specialist will review  any medical documentation required to accompany the request. Documentation may be in the form of a letter from a licensed provider, or a Disability Services Medical Information Request Form, completed by the provider.
  • Requests are reviewed as soon as possible.
  • Student are notified of approved accommodations via email, and invited to meet with an accessibility specialist to review, address questions, and get assistance with implementing accommodations as needed.
  • Approved exam accommodations typically require at least two weeks to implement.

Referral for Assessment

Occasionally after beginning medical education, students become aware of learning challenges and patterns of learning differences that may have existed prior to entering CCOM.  Psychologists and neuropsychologists within UI Hospitals and Clinics and the surrounding community are available to provide assessments for learning differences/disabilities and can recommend disability accommodations when indicated.  A medical or physician assistant student who is experiencing academic difficulties and would like to consider the possibility of reasonable accommodations may make an appointment with an accessibility specialist at the College of Medicine Medical Student Counseling Center. Students may request assistance with finding a licensed healthcare provider to assess the scope of current limitations on major life activities, treatment options, and/or to diagnose a disability. The accessibility specialist will discuss these options with the student and at the request and consent of the student facilitate a referral for evaluation and assessment. Students assume all financial responsibility for the cost of disability-related assessments and/or diagnosis.

Temporary Injuries

Students with temporary injuries such as bone fractures, concussion, or surgery recovery may contact an MSCC counselor to discuss receiving disability accommodations on a temporary basis.


Accessibility at Iowa
Students with Disabilities and Faculty and Staff Rights and Responsibilities
Medical Students with Disability and Chronic Illness (MSDCI@Iowa)
Docs with Disabilities Initiative
Accessible Transit and Transportation
University of Iowa ADA Coordinator