Evaluations, Grades and Promotions

For Evaluations, Grades, and Promotions Policies, PDF icon see section II of the MD Student Handbook.

  • II-1. Assessment, Advancement, and Graduation  
  • II-2. Narrative assessment and mid-course and clerkship feedback
  • II-3. Health care provider's involvement in student assessment
  • II-4. AAMC transcript guidelines  
  • II-5. Disciplinary actions and due process (Promotions Committee)
  • II-6. Policies on tutoring  
  • II-7. Medical student mistreatment
  • II-8. Confidentiality of student responses on evaluations
  • II-9. FERPA: Student review and challenge to academic records
  • II-10. FERPA: Faculty-Staff access to student academic records
  • II-11. Timely submission of course and clerkship grades