
Caduceus is the Student Committee on Medical Education. All medical students are members of Caduceus. We strive to evaluate and enhance educational opportunities at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine.

Caduceus is involved in many aspects of medical education including:

M1 Survival Guide

This guide was made to help make the transition into the first year of medical school in Iowa City a little easier. It contains information about everything from how to survive gross anatomy to the best place to eat on a Thursday night. It is located on the Caduceus icon site under ongoing courses.

M3 Survival Guide

This guide was formulated to help M3 students make the transition from pre-clinical to clinical years. It is full of practical information about navigating on the wards as well as advice from those who have bee there before. It is accessable on the Caduceus icon site located under ongoing courses.

Liaison Committees

Caduceus organizes student evaluations groups for the basic science courses in the pre-clinical years and for an annually pre-selected group of the clinical clerkships. These liaison committee members solicit input from their classmates and meet with the course/clerkship directors to discuss immediate difficulties experienced by the class, as well as, to evaluate the course/clerkship as a whole. The Medical Education Committee places great value on the reports given by students.

USMLE Step 1 Preparation Lectures

We organize a series of lectures at the close of the M2 year targeted at helping students review high-yield information for their USMLE Step 1 exam. The lectures are generally thought to be extremely helpful.

M3 Orientation Panels

We recruit rising M4 students to serve on panels during clinical beginnings week and speak with the rising M3sabout what to expect as the start their clinical years. This is consistently rated as one of the top activities during Clinical Beginnings Week.

Test Packets

Each fall, Caduceus is also involved in the organization and distribution of test packets. The test packets include old exam questions designed to provide another method to help M1 and M2 students prepare forupcoming exams.
