The MD Student Handbook is now a PDF document
I. Learning Objectives & Technical Standards
Learning objectives & Technical Standards for the MD Program
II. Evaluations, grades and promotions
- II-1. Assessment, Advancement, and Graduation
- II-2. Narrative assessment and mid-course and clerkship feedback
- II-3. Health care provider's involvement in student assessment
- II-4. AAMC transcript guidelines
- II-5. Disciplinary actions and due process (Promotions Committee)
- II-6. Policies on tutoring
- II-7. Medical student mistreatment
- II-8. Confidentiality of student responses on evaluations
- II-9. FERPA: Student review and challenge to academic records
- II-10. FERPA: Faculty-Staff access to student academic records
- II-11. Timely submission of course and clerkship grades
III. Absences
- III-1. Attendance expectations and absences
- III-2. Requesting time off from courses and clerkships
- III-3. Severe Weather Policy
- III-4. Policy Statement Supporting Breastfeeding Students
IV. Enrollment
- IV-1. Extended academic schedules
- IV-2. Satisfactory academic progress
- IV-3. Maximum time for degree completion
- IV-4. Enrollment and Tuition
- IV-5. Leaves of absence
- IV-6. Maternity / Paternity leaves of absence
- IV-7. Dropping and adding clinical clerkships
- IV-8. Specialty-Specific Faculty Advising
- IV-9. Diversity
- IV-10. Distinction tracks
- IV-11. Academic probation
- IV-12. Good Standing
- IV-13. Withdrawal from the college
- IV-14. Reinstatement to the college
- IV-15. Refunding of tuition and fees to students who withdraw or are dismissed
V. Health policies
- V-1. Mental health and wellness
- V-2. Health insurance
- V-3. Immunization requirements
- V-4. Exposure to infectious and environmental hazards
- V-5. Substance use
- V-6. Policies for students with disabilities
- V-7. Personal counseling
VI. Professional and ethical behavior policies
- VI-1. Professional and Ethical principles
- VI-2. Honor code
- VI-3. Confidentiality
- VI-4. Dress code
- VI-5. Course and lecture evaluations
- VI-6. Attention to administrative details
- VI-7. Collegiate computer misuse
- VI-8. Student use of artificial intelligence tools
VII. Miscellaneous Policies
- VII-1. Time commitment expectations for pre-clinical and clinical time (duty hours)
- VII-2. Parking
- VII-3. Smoking
- VII-4. General policy regarding on-call rooms
- VII-5. Policies for CCOM student organizations
- VII-6. Scheduling a club or organization event
- VII-7. Study space guidelines
- VII-8. Cash handling policy
- VII-9. Student involvement on CCOM Committees and Councils
- VII-10. Clinical supervision policy
- VII-11. Preparation of resident and non-faculty instructors
- VII-12. Evaluation of teaching by adjunct clinical faculty
Important University Policies and Resources
- Policies Affecting Students, The Student Bill of Rights, University Policy on Human Rights and much more
- University of Iowa Division of Student Life
- University of Iowa Operations Manual
- Policy on Sexual Harassment
- Anti-harassment Policy
- Visitors in the workplace (refers to all University facilities)
- Basic Needs Resources
- Basic Needs:
- Hawkeye Meal Share:
- Student Life Emergency Fund:
- Food Pantry:
- Clothing Closet: