VII. Regional/National Scholarship

Scholarship refers to those activities which advance knowledge in the discipline of education. By definition, scholarship must be peer-reviewed and public. Typically, two types of scholarly activity meet this definition: 1) peer-reviewed regional or national presentations or publications; and 2) receipt of a grant or contract based on peer review. In addition, participation and service in professional educational organizations provide evidence that one's peers respect your knowledge and expertise as an educator. Examples include:

  1. Regional/National Presentations and Publications
    • Publications
    • Posters at regional or national meetings
    • Invited presentations
    • Discussant at meetings
    • Reviewer for educational conferences or journals
  2. Grant or Contract
    • List Title, Source, Principal Investigator, Position, Dates and Amount of funding
    • Provide other data as available: funding priority score, reviewers comments
  3. Membership and Service in Education-Related Professional Organizations
    • Membership in organizations
    • Service on committees or projects; document elected positions

Regional/National Scholarship Example:

Associate Professor (Clinical Track)

As described above, I designed and implemented a program to teach arthrocentesis to Residents and Medical Students. The project was funded through a peer-reviewed grant from the Office of Consultation and Research in Medical Education. The project has been completed and has been presented as a poster at the 1998 National meeting of the ACR. We have submitted the project for publication. The project has resulted in an addition to the curriculum for the Internal Medicine Core Curriculum and to the Rheumatology Fellowship program.

The Educator's Portfolio (1) from the Medical College of Wisconsin will be used as a model.


  1. Simpson DE, Beecher AC, Lindemann JC, Morzinski JA. The Educator's Portfolio. 4th Edition. Medical College of Wisconsin. 1998.