IX. Teaching Awards

List any awards, certificates or honors you have received. Include the times you were a "finalist" for teaching awards and such things as achieving "fellow" status in one's specialty. List a brief description of the criteria used to select award recipients, if not evident from the title.

Teaching Awards Example

Associate Professor (Clinical Track)

The internal medicine residents selected me as Teacher of the Year in 1997 and again in 1999. In 1998 I was one of 3 faculty nominated by the Dean of the College of Medicine for the University of Iowa Collegiate Teaching Award. In 1999, I was one of four finalists for teacher of the year as selected by the M4 class. In 1999, I was selected by the Dean of the College of Medicine to attend a weeklong educational conference on integrating electronic media into teaching. The conference was associated with a $3000.00 award to be used toward acquiring electronic hardware and software for use in educational programs. In 1999 I was selected by the Dean of the College of Medicine to participate in the Teaching Scholars Program. In its inaugural year, participants in the program met once monthly for 4 hours with workshops to improve teaching skills and to work on self-designed faculty-development projects. In 1999, I was selected to receive a collegiate teaching award. In 2000 I was identified as one of the "best attendings" by the internal medicine residents.

The Educator's Portfolio (1) from the Medical College of Wisconsin will be used as a model.


  1. Simpson DE, Beecher AC, Lindemann JC, Morzinski JA. The Educator's Portfolio. 4th Edition. Medical College of Wisconsin. 1998.