Research Themes

​Abboud Cardiovascular Research Center

heart iconThe Francois M. Abboud Cardiovascular Resarch Center works to
integrate basic and clinical research programs related to cardiovascular
health and discovering new measures for prevention, diagnosis and
treatment of cardiovascular disease

PBI Members

Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center

diabetes icon

The Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center at the
University of Iowa is actively advancing knowledge of the pathophysiology 
of diabetes and its complications through cutting edge research.

PBI Members

Iowa Center for Auditory Regeneration and Deafness

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Investigators in the Iowa Center for Auditory Regeneration and Deafness
are developing new therapeutic regimens to treat hearing loss.

PBI Members

Iowa Neuroscience Institute

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Members of the University of Iowa Neuroscience institute are seeking new and
better treatments for psychiatric and neurologic diseases.

PBI Members

Lung Biology and Cystic Fibrosis Research Center

lung iconThe University of Iowa Lung Biology and Cystic Fibrosis Research Center
is probing cystic fibrosis, asthma, and infectious, environmental, and other lung
diseases to understand their bases and develop novel treatments and prevention.

PBI Members