The mission of the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences is to advance the health of humankind by:
- Excellence in education
- Discovering new knowledge
- Developing leaders in health care and science
The vision of the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences is to be the recognized leader in clinical practice, research and education.
Policy on Human Rights
The University of Iowa brings together in common pursuit of its educational goals persons of many nations, races, and creeds. The University is guided by the precepts that in no aspect of its programs shall there be differences in the treatment of persons because of race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and any other classifications that deprive a person of consideration as an individual, and that equal opportunity and access to facilities shall be available to all. Among the classifications that deprive a person of consideration as an individual are those based on associational preference. These principles are expected to be observed in the internal policies and practices of the University; specifically in the admission, housing, and education of students; in policies governing programs of extracurricular life and activities; and in the employment of faculty and staff personnel. The University shall work cooperatively with the community in furthering these principles.