The Computational Biomedical Research Series features speakers who use computation-intensive approaches in research and/or health services.
Bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, and predictive modeling have revolutionized biomedical research as well as healthcare delivery and policy. Recognizing this, the Carver College of Medicine Office of Research will provide matching funds up to $1000 to support seminars from external speakers using computation-intensive approaches in research and/or health services. The seminars may be part of a regular ongoing series or a special seminar hosted by a department, center or institute. Seminars approved for matching funds will be jointly-sponsored and advertised as part of the Computational Biomedical Research Series.
To apply for support, departments should submit the speaker's NIH Biosketch or CV and a brief statement on how the seminar relates to computational approaches to research/healthcare to Applications should be submitted at least two months in advance of the seminar to allow adequate lead time for advertising.
Questions should be directed to Amber Jackson-Elwer.